Friday, August 31, 2012

A Little Goes a Long Way

“Change happens because of how we invest our human energy, and it always has since we came down from the trees. Everybody’s got a margin of discretionary energy…that isn’t used in making their way in the world. That’s the energy that’s available for social change. If you can get a whole community to start focusing their energy together…then you get social change” (McKibben 211). I am a firm believer in the saying “A little goes a long way”. All we need are baby steps. Baby steps to take down the path of social change. If every citizen in a town were to pick up one piece of trash every day, the town would then become an infinite amount of times cleaner than before. All they had to do was pick up one piece of garbage, which takes virtually no energy. “Change happens because of how we invest our human energy,” McKibben writes. If every person were to invest a minimal amount of energy into this social change, improvements would be rapid and change would be remarkable.

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